sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

Just a Thought

We are so multifarious and convoluted or at least we take pleasure via this plea to elucidate the reasons of our dealings.  It continues to astound me and bewildered me every time we make the same mistakes that we have had in the past perceptive that the results will not contrast notably; most likely the results will be worst as time passes by because excuses are less lightly taken and we are less likely to recuperate.  However, we do recognize the mistakes and it becomes gratifying applying the lessons cultured to our past, in out heads than in the daily routines that drive us to the future.  So many hours fantasizing about how we could have ended something so much better and we even grin at the spectacle of the triumph that merely took place in a very veiled and lost part of a fetish of contemplation.

We consign censure on our neighbor with reproachful eyes of such actions of treason to human kind because we anticipate everyone to be converted into a skilled advocate and show the way like a combatant yet we sit aback and mask our own duplicity as we sometimes lead the encounter to this futile ambition with no means to and end.

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